pelapor khusus tentang penjualan anak, pelacuran anak dan pornografi anak bahasa Inggris
- pelapor: rapporteur; newsman; newsperson; denouncers;
- khusus: particular; special; specialty; custom; custom-;
- tentang: about; about the; as concern; on; on the subject
- penjualan: disposal; distribution; sale; sales; seller;
- pelacuran: promiscuity; prostitution; strumpetry; sluttery;
- pelacuran anak: child prostitution
- anak: brat; child; offspring; step; baby; junior; kid;
- dan: and; or; n; following; both; then; along with;
- pornografi: porn; pornography; smut; adult; pornographic;
- anak: brat; child; offspring; step; baby; junior; kid;
- protokol opsional tentang perdagangan anak, prostitusi anak, dan pornografi anak: optional protocol on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography
- film tentang pelacuran anak: films about child prostitution
- pornografi anak-anak: child pornography
- karya tentang anak-anak: works about children
- lagu tentang anak-anak: songs about children